Late Nights

Tonight I was able to hang out with my dear friend Laura, and it is always a blast with her. On our way back to my house we got into a discussion about the evening and it ends up we are both alike.

I have always loved late nights. There is something about being up at 12-4 in the morning, especially when driving. Being able to drive late at night when no one is on the road, windows down letting the cool evening breeze run through your hair, and having music blaring only adds to the adventure. It is at this time of night I feel alive and there is almost a magical quality in the air, similar to what Lucy Penvensie might have felt when she realized that the back of the wardrobe could take her to a new world. It is at this time when loneliness is a feeling that doesn’t provide a negative connotation. This loneliness isn’t one reminding you why you don’t fit in,  instead it is one that connects you with your thoughts and inner struggles. It brings you face to face with yourself and can be a time to work things out or when creativity comes alive. Late nights are a time when loneliness is peaceful as a calm stillness takes hold of the world.

This is my favorite part of the day.

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