“Love is marching to His heartbeat”

Ha, so as you probably guessed this is a quote from one of the new BarlowGirl songs. Ok, sorry to bombard you but as I sit and listen to this cd I am continually touched by the lyrics. This one particularly caught my attention. It is from the song Love is Marching.


The last year I spent getting to know the teen girls at the church I went to, was one of the best, not what I was currently experiencing. It was in that year that the burden God had given me for teens was increasing, and I was grateful for the opportunity to get to know these girls. I spent time praying for, hanging with, and just trying to listen to what was going on in their lives. I was paying attention to the teachings they were under and it was becoming obvious to me that something was missing. These girls were not being met where they were and most importantly they were not being encouraged. I spent time praying and setting up a couple meetings to talk to some of the leaders sharing what I saw. I carefully came up with examples to give in case I needed them. Unfortunately all of this was a major failure, nothing really came from my little voice because it was drowned out by an agenda.


It was blaringly obvious that we were missing something, the love of Christ. We were missing the very thing that has changed all our lives. I love this quote “Love is marching to His heartbeat.” How true this is!! We can stifle the teens and this next generation all we want, but in the end love is not marching to our agenda but to His heartbeat and His heartbeat is to shower this next generation with His deep love.

I often think of my girls, hoping that they are doing well. Like many of my leaders my time with them was short (try like one meeting) but I hope that they too will be able to find what I did at their age, a God who has big plans for them, a God who won’t give up on them and that they will be overwhelmed by His unconditional love.


“Love is marching to His heartbeat”

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